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Cameras e radares só servem para angariar fundos!


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    Cameras e radares só servem para angariar fundos!

    Pelo menos é o que o Daily Mail conclui da sua investigação.

    Speed cameras and the milking of an innocent public
    Last updated at 15:44pm on 15th October 2006

    How appropriate that the people who operate the nasty and oppressive speed-camera system should themselves have been caught in a trap and captured on film. Thinking they were speaking to fellow sharks, they unwisely revealed their teeth, and their greedy appetites.

    We now know for certain that their pretended concern for road safety is almost entirely faked. These devices are there to raise money, first for the 'partnerships' that operate them and then for the ever-hungry Treasury. And it is not just a little money but 'buckets of it', so much so that the courts can barely cope with the burden of collecting it all.

    Goals for the number of prosecutions are set in advance. Businessmen and school-run mothers are deliberately targeted as they struggle to keep the economy going on our congested, roadworksinfested highways.

    Perhaps the most cynical detail is the revelation that speed checks are sometimes deliberately set up on quiet roads, so that 'partnerships' can avoid over-running their quotas.

    The Mail on Sunday has argued from the start that the speed-camera network is a tax masquerading as a safety measure.

    Since it was inaugurated, proper police traffic patrols have virtually vanished and all forms of dangerous and inconsiderate driving have increased, while hundreds of thousands of responsible, careful motorists have been unfairly criminalised for what are often trivial breaches of arbitrary speed limits.

    Pious lectures on the supposed safety benefits of cameras can no longer have any force. The truth is out. While it may well be that some cameras save lives, many more are machines for milking the innocent public. The whole policy needs to be urgently re-examined in the light of these revelations.
    in Daily Mail,

    E no
    Insiders admit it's about the money not safety

    Gatso: money-grabberSpeed cameras are a cash scam motivated by greed not safety, as revealed by an undercover reporter who posed as a foreign potential buyer of speed cameras.

    According to a story in yesterday's Mail on Sunday, the reporter asked how the system worked in Britain. The response was that Britain's system of speed cameras is raking in "buckets of money" with plenty more to come.

    Jon Bond, previously a police officer in charge of Warwickshire's speed cameras but now heading up Tele-Traffic, which supplies almost all of Britain's speed cameras, told the reporter said that the courts can't process incoming cheques fast enough. He also reportedly said that the government fixes systems so that none of the money goes towards the roads but instead pours straight in the Treasury's cash bucket.

    Tele-Traffic also urged the potential buyer to place cameras near schools to catch school run mums in the afternoon and businessmen in the morning.

    Money is also made because the organisations that run the system don’t have the correct legal training. Bond allegedly said that many prosecutions were invalid because an operator (or operators) because did not have the training that the law requires.
    in Pistonheads.


    agoirentos :D


      São as "câmeras-mealheiro" que também estão a chegar a Portugal...


        Até não digo que não, mas o tom do texto tb está exagerado.

        Aliás, está bastante mau, digno de um tablóide da craveira do Daily Mail.

        Jornalismo? Isenção? E imagino a grande "investigação" que devem ter feito para escrever aquelas linhas...


          Por ver este topico lembrei-me de uma cena que disseram este fds num telejornal.

          Disseram que na DGV o ano passado receberam cerca de 1.800.000 de contra-ordenacoes, fazendo as contas á coima mais baixa, 30€, isto dá para cima de uma receita do catano


            Nem sequer li o conteúdo das notícias...

            Se a sinalização for correcta e os radares bem visíveis, só cai quem quer!

            Agora, reconheço que, nalguns casos a velocidade máxima permitida, parece um pouco insuficiente.

            Mas, o princípio será sempre o mesmo: quem respeitar os limites e as regras de trânsito não corre o risco de ser multado e por isso não contribui para a diminuição do défice :D

            Digo isto, mas confesso que não sou propriamente um cumpridor nato dos limites de velocidade...[8)]

            Normalmente, uso sempre a margem das contra-ordenações leves, ou seja, os 20 e 30 kms/h (conforme o local).


              citação:Originalmente colocada por polo_TDI

              Nem sequer li o conteúdo das notícias...

              Se a sinalização for correcta e os radares bem visíveis, só cai quem quer!

              Agora, reconheço que, nalguns casos a velocidade máxima permitida, parece um pouco insuficiente.

              Mas, o princípio será sempre o mesmo: quem respeitar os limites e as regras de trânsito não corre o risco de ser multado e por isso não contribui para a diminuição do défice :D

              Digo isto, mas confesso que não sou propriamente um cumpridor nato dos limites de velocidade...[8)]

              Normalmente, uso sempre a margem das contra-ordenações leves, ou seja, os 20 e 30 kms/h (conforme o local).



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