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Cientista russo fotografa alma a deixar o corpo


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    Cientista russo fotografa alma a deixar o corpo

    Cientista russo fotografa a alma a deixar o corpo – Portugal Mundial


    Pela "silhueta" essa alma parecia pertencer a um corpo jeitoso. Foi uma pena.


      ui....PeLeve vai-me desculpar mas está a "ladrar" à arvore errada, por muito credíveis que sejam as provas, aqui o conselho científico do fórum Autohoje vai provar por A-B que isso é tudo léria.........esta notícia, por muito legítima que seja, aqui colocada é o mesmo que dar pérolas a porcos

      P.S.- não me interprete mal, já ficou também aqui provado que remamos para o mesmo lado


        Isto não tem absolutamente nada que ver com almas. O título é claramente sensacionalista e errado.


          Olha que grande coisa, difícil mesmo era conseguir fotografar um dirigente autarca a largar o tacho de sua livre vontade.


            Mais uma ciencia de treta.

            Se lhes dessem uma descarga valente ainda mais luz emitiam... lol


              Ja testaram em enguias electricas?


                Oh Pé Leve, ultimamente ando a ficar um pouco preocupado contigo, homem...


                  Depois de uma bela feijoada, eu avariava o hardware do russo... Isso é que sao gases a sair do corpo, se aquilo é alma... Eu devo ser um monstro!


                    A minha alma está parva... diz que é pouco fotogénica!


                      A alma é azul...sempre o soube! E quando a alma se vai fica-se vermelho...


                        Noticia sem conteúdo credível.


                          Originalmente Colocado por FMVC Ver Post
                          Noticia sem conteúdo credível.
                          Nao sera tanto o conteudo mas sim a interpretacao dos resultados.


                            • R. S. Suris, physicist, corresponding member of the RAN (the Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, St. Petersburg).
                              Korotkov's digest is perfect gibberish! In spite of all that, it is pretty thick. Each passage is either a senseless combination of terms used in science, or nonsense, or a combination of terms made up by the author himself and used by no one except him and his supporters. In what scientific or, at the very least, normal document can one familiarize oneself with what kind of a specialist this is, a doctor and bioenergy therapist? In what university do they teach this? Korotkov writes:
                              "Any person who has computer work experience will gain a knowledge of diagnostics in half a day and can begin independent work".
                              You couldn't think up anything better: he bought a computer and, having spent half a day figuring it out, raked in some money from unfortunate patients. And why do people study for years to learn medical wisdom? Because that person is as simple as a felt boot. So a computer and a half day's training are enough to learn everything about this felt boot and then to begin to treat him. But what they think up about the human body is a crowning achievement of creativity! True, those who think this way have forgotten what this "felt boot" is, which thought up the computer itself. You won't deceive such people with the aid of the computer they thought up. Well, let them go to regular doctors. And those who are simpler, let them go through the computer. And let them carry spare cash for working out new methods of getting this very spare cash from them. Further:
                              "In his experiments Polyakov was attuned to the patient, looking at his photograph or even only knowing his name, and a pencil in his hand begins to vibrate around a little figure of the person sketched on a sheet of paper. After some time a shaded field reminiscent of the picture of the distribution of electrical fields appears around the little figure. What unknown field X did Polyakov perceive? We do not have an answer at this time but it is not essential for our discussion. It is important that the field around the person, his aura, includes this component X as a significant component".
                              Well, this is already direct plagiarism! In L. Tolstoy's famous work "The Fruits of Enlightenment" the aristocratic ladies are enthusiasts of spiritualism. And a medium named Grossman figures in it. The ecstatic ladies, piously believing in the connection with the spirits through Grossman (they did not know then that this was being done with the aid of "an unknown field X") and it was also "not essential for their discussion", followed on Grossman's heels and at those moments when, as we now (thanks to Mr. Korotkov) know, the "field X" came into play and it seemed to them that contact had been established with the spirits, they exclaimed in unison, "Grossman is vibrating!". Gentlemen, all this has already taken place! There's nothing new under the Sun…In those times Grossman was using his apparently remarkable abilities of suggestion for his comfortable existence at the expense of the money of the husbands of these ecstatic ladies. But now, as they say, the plot begins to thicken. Today's Grossmans aspire to the money not only of credulous individuals but often want to take government [money] for their, if one may say, projects.
                              But to discuss "science" using similar, as I have already said, thick writing is an absurd business. Can one convince the operator of a shell game in an open and honest dialogue that he is swindling?
                              Ye. B. Aleksandrov, physicist and academician of the RAN (the Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, St. Petersburg)
                              It seemed physical torture for me to delve into this nonsense (Korotkov's digest). And it is pitiful to spend the time and effort which will not increase with the years. All the same I offer my short appraisal of this "work" (one could have written more and more colorfully, but turns one's stomach).
                              The so-called Kirlian effect actually exists although I have not seen anything about it in any rational literature. So I have an idea about it at the level of the descriptions of paranoiacs and personal opinions. This phenomenon is quite commonplace but, as with any gas discharge, spectacular and therefore it is easy to use it to fool uneducated people. It reflects the warmth and sweatiness of the hands and therefore is able to react to words directed at the "subject", who is exploited by fraud. The book makes an extremely painful impression. This is a profanation of science. Korotkov, who calls himself a physicist and works with the gas discharge visualization of an "aura", writes seriously about a Supreme Spirit, believes in spiritualism, and studies the "mysterious" abilities of a charlatan who charges water on a viewer's table via television with his "biological energy field". And all this is thickly embroidered in scientific-sounding terminology. What about the statement, for example, that there are "coherent" acoustic, electromagnetic, and gravitational fields in a biological organism? However, if you start to cite the stupidities from this book then you'd have to rewrite half of it. This is a genuinely surprising mixture of plausible, sufficiently reasonable, and sometimes also true maxims and observations with the wildest old, new, and most recent prejudices and superstitions. For example, acupuncture, which has a realistic basis, is discussed along with "phantom diagnostics"! It might be possible to ignore all this if it were not presented as the leading edge of science and did not serve as "scientific" cover for a flood of occult "healing".
                              I asked the rector of the higher educational institution where Korotkov works about him. Strange as it may seem, the rector thinks that everything is in order with this professor, that he is engaged only in his own electrography, but as medical people explain this, it is their business (although Korotkov himself is basically interpreting it). The rector knows that there is another professor, Dul'nev, who has long been studying "witches", and also is quietly related to this. This Dul'nev had collaborated with the late swindler N. Kulagina who long and successfully pulled the wool over not just his eyes reading letters through closed envelopes, spinning a compass, "telekinesis", etc. I had occasion to meet this Kulagina, a very shrewd person. But she refused to demonstrate any of her "miracles" in my presence.
                              But not long ago they dirtied me with yet one more swindle. The Physicotechnical Institute where I work sent me to the N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy to look into the latest wasteful idiocy, the method of Professor A. N. Sinyakov.

                              Pseudoscientists Have Be Exposed to Shame


                              É tão fácil confundir pseudo ciência com ciência a sério...


                                Originalmente Colocado por eu Ver Post
                                É tão fácil confundir pseudo ciência com ciência a sério...
                                A mim parece-me difícil muito difícil, principalmente porque nesta era da informação há sempre quem coloque os pontos nos i(s).


                                  Bem sei que os tempos são de crise, mas o pessoal anda com o sentido de humor demasiadamente em baixo...


                                    Que não somos «só» corpo, não tenho dúvidas...

                                    Que nome se pode dar ao que vai para alem do «só»....não sei. Há quem lhe chame alma, aura...talvez isso não seja o mais importante.

                                    Que será algo relacionado com «energia», este será o meu «feeling».

                                    Se pode ser fotografado, não sei. Mas já há muitos anos que, no Jornal do Incrível - os mais velhos lembrar-se-ão - vi fotos da aura humana.

                                    O processo de «morrer» pode proporcionar «momentos únicos e aparentemente inexplicaveis» a quem o presencia...e esses momentos acompanhar-nos-ão enquano «por cá andarmos».

                                    Quanto mais largos forem os nossos horizontes, mais perto estaremos do inexplicavel...

                                    Cumprs e votos de uma boa semana...«com os pés bem assentes na Terra».


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