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Please, help with tolls


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    Please, help with tolls

    Bom dia,

    So we have been using the highway around Porto, and we will get a fine because of the automatic toll systems. The one with the cameras.
    The rent-a-car staff told us we could pay on the internet afterwards, but we cannot, sadly. Because the only way to pay is to go to the CTT office (we couldn't since leaving the next day, as it needs 48h to get updated) or to an ATM.

    So if anyone who knows the system would be able to go there or to an ATM, to get this paid. (it is a small amount of 4 euros) it would avoid us a fine. And we offer 10 e back (have to see how to proceed the paiement)
    plate 99-PG-91

    I know the request can look weird but the system is silly... so I'm a honest guy trying to avoid illegitimate fine, because no payment system is offered to foreigners who rent cars...
    Thanks a lot

    you have to pay until

    atm reference

    entidade : 21154 Referência : 204 642 663
    Valor : € 4,04
    Data Limite Pagamento : 2016-03-01
    Editado pela última vez por brm2; 29 February 2016, 14:42.



      Entidade :21154
      Referência :204 642 663
      Valor :€ 4,04


        brm2 adiantou-se.


          I first read "please, help with trolls!"

          Enderson, can you figure it out with the last references?

          Hope so.

          Sinceramente não sei se ele vai conseguir pagar com "ent. ref. montante" num sistema bancário estrangeiro. Penso que não...


            Originalmente Colocado por brm2 Ver Post
            you have to pay until

            atm reference

            entidade : 21154 Referência : 204 642 663
            Valor : € 4,04
            Data Limite Pagamento : 2016-03-01
            Originalmente Colocado por Adams Ver Post

            Entidade :21154
            Referência :204 642 663
            Valor :€ 4,04
            Onde e como é que viram esses dados?

            No site CTT aparece a data limite pagamento 03/03/2016

            Matrícula Data Limite de Pagamento Valor em Dívida Data do Pedido
            99-PG-91 2016-03-03 3.4 €




                Originalmente Colocado por Endersen Ver Post
                Bom dia,

                So we have been using the highway around Porto, and we will get a fine because of the automatic toll systems. The one with the cameras.
                The rent-a-car staff told us we could pay on the internet afterwards, but we cannot, sadly. Because the only way to pay is to go to the CTT office (we couldn't since leaving the next day, as it needs 48h to get updated) or to an ATM.

                So if anyone who knows the system would be able to go there or to an ATM, to get this paid. (it is a small amount of 4 euros) it would avoid us a fine. And we offer 10 e back (have to see how to proceed the paiement)
                plate 99-PG-91

                I know the request can look weird but the system is silly... so I'm a honest guy trying to avoid illegitimate fine, because no payment system is offered to foreigners who rent cars...
                Thanks a lot
                Contacta a rent-a-car e diz para pagarem eles e que posteriormente lhes pagas.

                Se és cliente eles ajudam-te com isso. Explica a situação. Devias ter deixado os 10eur com eles para alguém de lá pagar isso.


                  Originalmente Colocado por Endersen Ver Post
                  Bom dia,

                  So we have been using the highway around Porto, and we will get a fine because of the automatic toll systems. The one with the cameras.
                  The rent-a-car staff told us we could pay on the internet afterwards, but we cannot, sadly. Because the only way to pay is to go to the CTT office (we couldn't since leaving the next day, as it needs 48h to get updated) or to an ATM.

                  So if anyone who knows the system would be able to go there or to an ATM, to get this paid. (it is a small amount of 4 euros) it would avoid us a fine. And we offer 10 e back (have to see how to proceed the paiement)
                  plate 99-PG-91

                  I know the request can look weird but the system is silly... so I'm a honest guy trying to avoid illegitimate fine, because no payment system is offered to foreigners who rent cars...
                  Thanks a lot
                  Contact the rental company and ask them if you can pay the tolls directly to them. I can assure you that you were missinformed by the rental company, since some rental companies in Portugal give you the option of renting the car with an electronic transponder in order to enable automatic payment of those tolls.


                    Portugal é mesmo um mundo à parte


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