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Super Avião F22 Raptor corre o Windows Vista


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    Super Avião F22 Raptor corre o Windows Vista

    Bom, parece que aquela super máquina corre o Windows Vista ou então foi feita pelos programadores da Microsoft.

    Senão veja-se: (my apolojais pela não tradução)

    "When the group of Raptors crossed over the IDL, multiple computer systems crashed on the planes. Everything from fuel subsystems, to navigation and partial communications were completely taken offline. Numerous attempts were made to "reboot" the systems to no avail.

    Luckily for the Raptors, there were no weather issues that day so visibility was not a problem. Also, the Raptors had their refueling tankers as guide dogs to "carry" them back to safety. "They needed help. Had they gotten separated from their tankers or had the weather been bad, they had no attitude reference. They had no communications or navigation," said Retired Air Force Major General Don Shepperd. "They would have turned around and probably could have found the Hawaiian Islands. But if the weather had been bad on approach, there could have been real trouble.”

    E podem ver a noticia completa em:
    Lockheed's F-22 Raptor Gets Zapped by International Date Line

    Ai ai, esta gente... o que vale é que todas as actualizações estão no Windows Update

    Big deal !!!!

    Na decada de 80, se a memória não falha uns 2 ou 3 F16 cairam sem causa aparente.

    As investigações vieram a revelar que a causa tinha estado numa aplicação de componentes que haviam efectuado no Hardware ... os componentes tinham sido fabricados em subcontrato em Taiwan .


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